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First time? We've got you uncovered!
Oaklake Trails is the perfect place to Experience The Freedom of social nudity for the very first time. But even if you're already a seasoned nudist, we've put together answers to our most commonly asked questions to help you plan your very first visit to OLT below:
What do I do when I arrive for my first visit?First time visitors must arrive during office hours to complete the membership registration and check-in process. Upon arrival to our gate call the office at 918-324-5999 and we will buzz you through. Once you're through the gate, drive straight ahead until you come to the office on your right. All adult visitors aged 18+ in your group must come into the office in person with their state ID or Passport for background check and registration.
Do you offer any discounts?We offer discounts on day passes to active and former military as well as current members of AANR and TNS. We also offer a very heavily discounted day and annual membership Youth Rate for individuals under the age of 25.
What do I need to bring for a day visit?Day passes are valid until midnight on the day you check in. Although the list will vary depending on the weather, most daytime visitors bring towels to sit on (always sit on a towel!) and dry off with, good shoes/socks for the trails and activities, sunblock, sunglasses, hats, drinks, food or snacks, a wrap or robe, sandals, ice chest (we sell bags of ice!), and a good book to read. You may want bug spray, and other toiletries such as body wash, hair products, cosmetics, etc., especially if you're wanting to attend an evening mixer or dance. Remember: Glass bottles are not allowed in the pool area. Although alcohol is allowed, Oaklake does not sell alcohol. You are welcome to bring your own and drink responsibly while following all rules.
What is an AANR/Family Friendly nudist resort?Oaklake Trials is an AANR affiliated club dedicated to promoting the principles of non-sexual family friendly naturism. Please visit the American Association of Nude Recreation website to familiarize yourself with our guiding principles.
Are body piercings allowed?Members are allowed to wear body and genital piercings that go through pierced holes, without limiting the number of piercings allowed. Acceptable jewelry includes simple bars, rings, studs, or minimalist pieces, regardless of gauge. However, charms, dangles, or chains hanging from body jewelry are discouraged. Non piercing style adornments such as C-rings, cages, and other fetish or specifically eroticized male genital jewelry are forbidden. We ask everyone to ensure their jewelry is subtle and respects the calm, family-friendly non-sexual atmosphere of the resort. All members must follow these guidelines, and any concerns will be handled discreetly by the management.
Can I take pictures?You may take photos of yourself, your family members/significant others, or friends with their verbal permission on the trails or in open areas, but no other people or vehicles can be visible in the photo, even in the background. Mobile devices are allowed in the pool area but if there is a camera(s), a sticker must be placed over the camera(s) lens. Stickers may be obtained at the office or at the gate entrances to the pool. If the sticker falls off, it must be replaced immediately. If you are spotted in the pool area with a cell phone visible (outside your pocket, bag, etc.) and the sticker is not visible, you will be asked to leave the pool area for the remainder of the day (NO DEBATE, NO DISCUSSION, NO TOLERANCE). Professional or semi-professional photo shoots may be arranged at least seven (7) days in advance with the office. Both the photographer and the subject(s) must sign an application that will be accepted or rejected by the Board of Directors or its designee. The application form is available in the office.
How long is my day pass valid?Your pass is valid from the time you arrive until 11:59PM of that same day.
What are the most important rules?While compliance with all of our policies is mandatory, some of the most important are: Sitting on a towel: This is a big one--never sit on anything without a towel between you and that surface. Lenses covered on your phone: Always cover your phone lenses while you are inside the pool enclosure with the stickers provided in the office and next to the entrance gates of the pools. Smoking/Vaping: Only smoke and vape in designated areas. Never smoke or vape while inside the pool enclosure. Glass: Never bring glass of any kind into the pool enclosure. Alcohol: Always drink responsibly, know your limits, and know when to stop. Do not let your inability to manage your alcohol intake ruin the enjoyment of Oaklake for yourself or others. Behavior: Our most important rule by far. Oaklake is a family-friendly environment. If you wouldn't do something in a Target, you should never do it at Oaklake. Sexual behavior, propositioning, aggressive PDA, and lewd behavior of any kind will result in an immediate expulsion and permanent ban. While we welcome everyone regardless of gender or sexual identity, we expect everyone to keep their private business where it belongs: in private. We are consenting to share an environment of non-sexual nudity only, and any act that violates this is completely inappropriate. Please read ALL of our policies in the Oaklake Trails Membership Handbook before arriving to ensure you and all other members can enjoy Oaklake safely.
What if I witness someone breaking the rules?Inappropriate behavior is something no member should ever have to experience. If, in the very rare occurrence, you witness any inappropriate behavior or a breach of our rules, we kindly ask and strongly encourage you to alert staff or management immediately. Each member's contribution to the safety and comfort of the club is invaluable, so you should NEVER feel afraid to report any inappropriate behavior. Prompt reporting of such incidents helps protect all members and upholds the outstanding reputation of our club. Our team will handle the situation promptly and discreetly, ensuring that the serene environment is maintained for everyone's enjoyment.
What if I see someone that I know?Well, they'll probably see you too! And if you are friends outside of Oaklake, then that just means you have one more thing in common. Remember that everyone is here for the same reason--to enjoy a safe clothing-free environment. That said, members recognize and acknowledge that OLT membership is private, valuable, confidential, special, and a unique relationship among your fellow OLT members. OLT members will not, during or after their term of membership, disclose the names of OLT members, or guests to any person, firm, corporation, association, or other entity for any reason or purpose whatsoever, without written permission of OLT.
What are your open hours/days?Oaklake is open year round, closed only on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. 1st time visitors and Day Members must arrive during office hours. (9:30 to 5:30 Nov-Mar and 10:00 to 6:00 April-Oct)
How many other people will be there?Oaklake is busiest on weekends during warm months, as well as on special event weekends during the fall and winter such as Halloween, New Years, and Valentine's Day. Our cabins are typically fully booked almost every weekend during the summer months, and RV spaces are fully booked during every major summer holiday such as 4th of July, Memorial Day, Labor Day, etc. There will be hundreds of other members at the park during these times. Oaklake is 400+ acres, so If you're only able to visit during a peak weekend and are nervous about being around a lot of people, our trails are VAST and it is unlikely that you'll encounter many others during a hike even when the pool deck is completely packed. That said, If you're wanting a more quiet visit we suggest doing so on a week day.
Do you offer locker/towel rentals?We do not offer lockers or towels for rent. Most day visitors leave their valuables in their vehicles. Day visitor parking is centrally located and a short walk to the pools, clubhouse, and bistro.
Can I come alone?Yes! While some naturist resorts only allow couples, Oaklake is proud to be the place where every BODY belongs! We welcome single visitors of any gender.
What if I become aroused?If you have a penis and become erect you are expected to cover it up right away. Although we recognize erections may be an involuntary function, it is not proper nudist etiquette to allow your erection to be seen by others. As a non-sexual resort, erections are simply not appropriate in public.
Are dogs allowed?Yes, but it is critical that dogs be on leash or under control of their owner at all times. ​ The dog must have identification tags with dog’s name, owners name and owners phone number visible at all times. An owner bringing a dog onto OLT property must register that dog with the OLT office. Registration information include as a minimum the following information: Owners Name, contact information including address and phone number, Dog’s Picture, License and registration information, and shot records. Minimum Required vaccines for your dog includes: Rabies, canine parvovirus, distemper, and canine hepatitis, which are considered core vaccines and proof of these vaccines are required for any dog brought onto OLT property. An owner bringing a dog to OLT assumes all liability for any property damage or injuries to persons or other animals caused by the dog. If your dog bites any person or another person’s pet that must be reported to the office. OLT wants a safe environment for its members and their pets.
Do you sell food/drinks/alcohol?The Bare Buns Bistro is open year round with limited hours during the winter months, and expanded hours during the summer season. Offering affordable options for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, the Bistro provides visitors the opportunity to worry less about bringing and preparing food when coming to Oaklake. Click here for current hours and menu options. Vending machines stocked with soft drinks and snacks are located in the clubhouse and are accessible 24/7. Oaklake does not sell alcoholic beverages. You are welcome to bring your own alcohol and drink responsibly while following all OLT policies.
Do I have to be naked everywhere?Oaklake Trails is a clothing optional resort. You can disrobe at your own pace but you'll find that most members will be enjoying the facilities nude, weather permitting. The only place you MUST be nude is when entering the pools, hot tub, or sauna--after you've showered first of course. No swimwear, shirts, etc., are allowed in the water. Hats and UV protection sleeves such as Sparms are approved for pool wear, but no other clothing or fabrics allowed.
How do I pre-register to visit?Call us during office hours any day to be onboarded into our system and complete your background check at 918-324-5999. This will greatly speed up your check-in process when you first arrive.
What do I need for the background check?As a family friendly resort, background checks are paramount to the safety of our members, residents, staff, and guests. Every 1st time visitor over the age of 18 is required to pass a background check. You MUST bring either your state issued ID, Driver's License, or Passport. Without one of these forms of ID you will not be allowed to enter. While we reserve the right to use discretion regarding membership approval, anyone with any of the following offenses will not be allowed entry: Any sexual offense of any kind regardless of how long ago it occurred, except for public urination. Violent crime of ANY type committed within the last 10 years. Possession with intent to sell or distribute narcotics within the last 5 years. 2 or more DUI arrests within the past 12 months. Guests who appear intoxicated will not be allowed entry.
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