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Guest Policy

Guest Privileges and Visitor Policy:


These policies apply to all OLT Annual Members, including stockholders.

  • All members are responsible for the behavior of their family and guests, and as such members are required to be present during the visit.  Inappropriate behavior may result in the family or guest being removed from the grounds and the membership being terminated.

  • Members may host only one guest per occurrence.  Each guest may qualify as a guest only one time per calendar year. Any additional visits to any member are subject to full charges.

  • Members must meet their guests at the gate and accompany them to the office to register immediately upon arrival or at the opening of the following business day, if the office is closed.  No gate codes may be given out.

  • A guest is defined as adults who have not previously been members at Oaklake Trails and that comprise one family unit: For Example, a couple, a single, or a family.

  • Guests who are immediate family member, (children, grandchildren, parents, siblings) of permanent residents, (In residence at OLT for more than 25 days each month) may visit for 14 consecutive days without charge of day fees or overnight fees and may use the facilities.  At the end of the 14 days, all charges apply.

  • Other guests of permanent residents may stay 7 consecutive days without the charge of day fees or overnight fees and may use the facilities. At the end of 7 days, all charges apply.

  • Guests who are immediate family members, (children, grandchildren, parents, siblings) of non-permanent residents,)Not at OLT for more than 25 days per month) may visit for 7 consecutive days without charge of day fees or overnight fees and may use the facilities. At the end of 7 days, all charges apply.

  • Other guests of non permanent residents may stay a total of 4 days without the charge of day fees or overnight fees and may use the facilities. At the end of 4 days, all charges apply.

  • Guests who are immediate family members and other guests of a member who does not have a lot may visit one time at no charge.  All subsequent visits require all applicable charges.

  • The member may request an exception from management for any of these policies.




Permanent  Residents                    Non-Permanent Residents             Member; Non-resident

 Immediate Family: 14 days            Immediate Family: 7 days                Immediate Family: 1 day

                      Guests:               7 days              Guest:                    4 days                   Guests:                  1 day


Please, do not put yourself, your family members, guests, or the office staff in an awkward position by not abiding by these policies.  Thank you for your cooperation!

Oaklake Trails is a family-oriented clothing-optional resort located just north of historic Route 66 in Depew, Oklahoma.


We are dedicated to the principle that social nudity with your friends and family is wholesome, relaxing, emotionally and physically healthy, and just plain fun.


Established in the summer of 1992, Oaklake Trails is located on more than 400 acres of beautiful hickory and oak covered hills halfway between Tulsa and Oklahoma City. 

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The Bare Essentials Newsletter is a monthly email publication of news, updates, and events at Oaklake.

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